How Does Durian Taste Like?



Durian is a one-of-a-kind tropical fruit. It is well-known in Southeast Asia, where it is known as "the king of fruits." Durian is extremely nutrient-dense, containing more than most other fruits. It does, however, acquire a poor rap because of its powerful odor. Durian is a huge tropical fruit with a spiky, hard outer shell. Its flesh is foul and custard-like, with big seeds. 

There are various types, but the most common is Durio zibethinus. The flesh of the fruit might vary in hue. It is usually yellow or white, but it can also be red or green. The fragrance of durian is controversial. Some individuals enjoy it, while others despise it.

Durian can be found in both sweet and savory cuisines. The creamy flesh and seeds are both edible, albeit the seeds must be cooked. The flavor is characterized as tasting like a combination of cheese, almonds, garlic, and caramel. 

It's also utilized in traditional medicine and has some medical characteristics that are being researched right now. 

Durian health benefits :

Traditional Malaysian medicine has employed all parts of the durian plant — leaves, husk, roots, and fruit — to cure a variety of diseases, including high fever, jaundice, and skin disorders. 

According to research, durian fruit has the following health benefits: 

Reduces cancer risk. Its antioxidants may be able to neutralize cancer-causing free radicals. In one test-tube investigation, durian extract stopped the spread of a strain of breast cancer cells. 

Prevents heart disease. Several chemicals in durian may help lower cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of atherosclerosis, or artery hardening. 

Fights infection. Compounds in the rind have antibacterial and anti-yeast effects. 

Lowers blood sugar. Durian has a lower glycemic index (GI) than many other tropical fruits, which means it may cause fewer blood sugar spikes. 

While these research are promising, many of them have been conducted on animals or in test tubes. No concrete claims can be made until controlled human research on the health benefits of durian has been completed. 
